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The Demon Hunter-- 4

"It's okay it's not your fault. I don't blame you," I said smiling at him sweetly. He smiled back, but I could still tell he was sad. "Jake..."

"Jake, we need to take your girlfriend in, just in case." One of them said and Jake nodded an okay. He walked me to his car, and we got in. He wasn't speaking and I looked at him sadly. Then, he turned his car on and started driving. After he glanced at me he sighed.

"Elizabeth... listen.... I love you, and I was serious when I told you I never meant to get you caught up in this," He said putting his hand on my hand.

"I know, and I love you too. So, just how far is this place anyways?" I asked looking out the window.

"Not much farther," He said and a few minutes later he was parking. After he turned the car off we got out. He grabbed my hand and led me inside. We walked down a big hallway and into an elevator. He pressed a few of the numbers like it was a code. Then the elevator started moving down. "They are just going to properly treat your wound just in case."

"In case what..?" I asked suddenly worried. The elevator stopped and the doors opened. I was amazed at what I saw. There are high tech computers on many desk arranged in the large room, doors leading to more room, and people buying guns and ammo. The room is filled with voices, talking over the phone or making deals.

"Just to make sure it doesn't get infected. I can't just take you to a normal hospital or clean it myself. They always bite really deep, so it could be really bad," Jake said as he started walking, still holding my hand. "Stay close, it easy to get lost here with this many people."

I stayed as close to him as possible, not wanting to get lost in the big crowed of people. Especially not a crowd of people that look like they could break my neck faster than I could let out a scream. We walked into another one of the rooms. There is a desk with various objects on it, but what stood out to me was a name tag with Jake's name on it. Jake told me to sit in his chair, so I sat and he looked at the bite wound for a second before leaning against the desk.

"He could have easily killed you," He said looking at the ground like he was thinking. He's still depressed about the fact I got hurt. "I should have been there sooner..." His voice got quiet and he mumbled something to himself. I wanted to do something to make him feel better, but I felt like I was the problem.

"I'm sorry Jake, if I wasn't so weak I could have protect myself.." I said and he looked at me like he was shocked that I was sad. Then he softly smiled at pat my head gently.

"I've been training to fight them since I was kid, Elizabeth. It takes a lot to beat them, so it's not your fault. What is important is that you're still alive." He said then kissed my forehead, and I smiled a little. There was suddenly a knock at the door. "Come in."

A girl a bit older than me walked in. She has crimson colored hair and brown eyes, and she has glasses on. She's wearing a red t-shirt, light blue skinny jeans, and a lab coat. She walked over to in front of me and smiled. "You must be Elizabeth, it's nice to meet you, I'm Jessica by the way," She said as she started to put something on my wound. It started to sting so I flinched. "Sorry if it stings, but this is cleaning out your wound."

"It's okay," I said as she started to look at it. It started to feel like it was foaming a little. She picked up a rag and wiped it, then she put a bandage over it. She walked out and Jake was looking away from me. "Jake..."

"I'll never let you out of my sight, Elizabeth. Not again. If I hadn't of been so stupid, you wouldn't be hurt." He said looking at me and cupping my cheek. I put my hand up to his, and and we leaned in. He gently kissed me and I kissed back. Our kiss was interrupted when the door open.

"Am I interrupting something, Jake?" A man asked walking in angrily. Jake quickly pulled away from me and looked away again.

"No sir." He said clearly. "I was just making sure she's okay."

"Jake, we need to talk, in my office." The man asked as Jake looked down. He sighed then smiled at me. He walked away and I looked down. I hope he's not in trouble because of me. When he returned a few minutes later, he closed the door. I watched as he clinched his fist and punched the door.

I looked at him sadly. Tears formed in my eyes and I looked up at him. "is this my fault..?" I asked quietly as he looked at me. He smiled and pet my head.

"No, everything will be okay. don't worry." He said as I nodded. When everything was done, he took me home. After we arrived he got out of his car to let me out. We walked in and my parents ran over to me worriedly.

"Where were you?" My mother asked as Jake left. I looked back noticing he was gone.

"I was just with Jake. Sorry, I should have called you." I said as they smiled. They were just happy I was okay. If you can even say that. I know I've known for a while now, but that doesn't make it any less confusing.

I went into my room then pulled out my phone dialing Jake's number. He answered after the second ring. "Hey Elizabeth, sorry for leaving like that."

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